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CSL Vifor provides protein-based therapies for bleeding disorders, critical care, pulmonary disease, and other rare illnesses.
https://www.cslvifor.us/products -
Our highly diversified nephrology portfolio continues to expand and it is focused on distinct comorbidities and complications in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients.
https://www.cslvifor.us/products/nephrology-products -
CSL Vifor is committed to saving lives and improving the quality of life for patients with serious and rare diseases worldwide.
https://www.cslvifor.us/patients -
CSL Vifor supports independent investigators in conducting Investigator Initiated Studies (IIS) that are focused on hyperkalemia and associated conditions.
https://www.cslvifor.us/therapy-areas/investigator-initiated-studies -
CSL Vifor is a global biotech company leading the way to deliver innovative therapies for rare and serious diseases.
https://www.cslvifor.us/our-company -
As owners of scientific knowledge and experts in medicinal products, pharmaceutical companies can be a unique resource to the healthcare systems and providers, which will ultimately benefit the patients.